Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Today I realized that there is a whole world out there all about flirting.  Yes, I said, "Flirting." That means YOU JEFF when you made Lindsay feel weak by giving her a gift and then laughing at one of her less than funny jokes. That was not just to be nice. You meant something by that. And if you didnt then you were just being unkind. OR It could also mean YOU KATE when you looked at Juan face to face then giggled and bit your lip. Then you touched his leg but you only did that as a dare because the whole school knows that he's not your type. Right? So in other words, when both of you did those things it made the other feel good, but it also made them want a relationship or made them think there was a chance of a real honest relationship, but what happened? You were both too cool for them. Or were you the top jock or head of cheer? Were you Miss SAT or Capt. Academia? Well you know what? It doesnt matter how low on the food chain they are. Because love doesnt judge based on status or based on athletics or even knowledge. To love everyone is the same.

You know in the Biblical era, there were quite a few Kings. And one thing all these Kings had in common.....          .....was their undenying love to have what thugs call "the honeys", "shawtees", or even the more pimp worthy term, "bitches." That's right. You see, a King to them was like the way we think of the Glamorous Life of a "Hustler" or a "Gangster". But these Kings truly could have anything they wanted as long as their Empire could hold, so could their power. So basically, since every Jewish man knows who King David is, let's start with him. King David had over 1000+ Girlfriends (who got along great with each other(these women-usually age 12-19-were used mainly for sexual intercourse but he kept good care of them)), he had over 600+ Regular Lovers-besides his girlfriends and wives (they got along great and were pampered and treated like princesses(most age 14-22)), he had more than 400 wives at a time (who got along great with the Girlfriends and the Lovers(the wives, however, could be ages ranging from 15 to 34) once a wive got too old for his liking he had to have the only rational thing done-have her executed for not fulfilling his wishes-which is the same as divorce but more permanent, and finally he had only one Queen which he chooses (usually out of the smartest or the most athletic or the shruedest or the most beautiful. And the most beautiful is the one that always wins it. Of course, they have to be wearing the King's royal jewels and be pampered by the royal servants for months at a time until get picked. But you still mostly are just at the bidding of the King. Even if the Queen appears without the announcement she could be put to death unless the King strecthes to her the Royal Ceptar in which case she lives. Its a crazy life.

Monday, May 21, 2012

First thing anyone should know about dating is that it is work. It isnt supposed to be fun all the time. Yeah there is times to have fun but there is a lot of times when there isnt a lot of fun stuff happening and you just gotta live with it. You know what im sayin? It is tough to live out this time without knowin if anything went right. So keep your head up.